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Feeling inspired to take action?

Here Are Two Powerful Ways You Can Get Involved in Protecting Kids in YOUR Community


Add your voice to the Parents With Questions conversation

Challenge yourself to have at least 5 curious, compassionate and courageous conversations with other parents per week. By far, the most important thing we can all do to protect kids from the jab is to speak up and initiate conversations with other parents regarding how they feel about the vaccination rollout.

Check out how to have respectful and fruitful conversations here in our short video training series called “conversation starters” from a respected psychologist on how to have respectful and fruitful conversations with people of opposing or entrenched viewpoints. – regardless of what someone’s viewpoint is.

Please go out and share your voice with five or more people per week, starting today. Your voice is the most important tool we have to make a difference now in kids lives!

Another important element of adding your voice is to become part of the social proof!

In an age where the mainstream narrative is the only one we hear in the media, more than ever we need unified voices to speak up for free choice and our right to fully informed consent. Many celebrities as well as hundreds of mums and dads have already voiced their concerns on our website and socials. This is your invitation to join us.

To add your voice and untold impact to this conversation please upload a 45 second landscape video of yourself to social media highlighting your concerns as a parent and tag #parentswithquestions, plus email to so we can upload to our website. You don’t need fancy equipment – a smartphone or webcam on your computer is perfect.

We suggest keeping it simple and to the point. Please speak your own words, or here’s a few suggestions on what to say

Hi I’m (name) and parent/guardian etc of X number of children and

…..I have a lot of concerns about vaccination for young children, and don’t feel I am getting all the information I need about the real risks of adverse reactions and long-term effects. Until I know for sure, I’m saying no”


….”I don’t feel ok about being told by the government to give my child a drug with no long-term safety data. What if they are wrong?”


…”As a parent, I know what’s best for my child and don’t need the government trying to override that. For me, I’m saying no”


Sign up to Become a PWQ “Local Activator”

PWQ Local Activators are people just like you who have decided to take an extra step in helping protect kids in their local community. We invite you to become one too… it is remarkably simple!

Step 1: Register to become a local activator here.


Step 2: Join our Local Activator Facebook page 

Join our Local Activator’s Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news and events. Start by joining the page here and then choose one or both of the options below in activating the PWQ message in your community!

Print and distribute flyers in your local community.

This is an easy, uncomplicated way to get the message out. Letterbox drop your neighbours, drop some flyers into shops and or leave them under windscreen wipers of cars parked outside your schools or day care facilities. Devote an hour or two a week or get a few friends together and set a target of a few thousand flyers to distribute before the end of January 2022.

Get involved in a Reclaim The Line rally or other important events.

There are a number of important roles you can play in making these rallies successful. It’s also important we get the PWQ message out to everyone who attends, and to give those who attend some information they can pass on to other parents as well. Here’s some of what you can do:

Volunteer to speak at the rally.

Even if you have never spoken in public before, never underestimate how much impact a short but heartfelt speech can make. We will provide some simple training and a script to read from. More info on this via our Local Activators FB page above.

Nominate yourself

To organise corflute signs, flyers, car stickers and info packs to display and distribute at the rally. We will arrange printing and delivery and cover all the costs of this – your job is just to make sure you have enough hands on deck to carry the signs and hand out flyers! We will even send you some free PWQ T-shirts for you and your team to wear on the day!

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