On January 10, the Federal Government’s rollout of vaccinations for kids aged 5 to 11-years-old began. In some instances, pop up clinics and ‘vaccination buses’ are being set up in schools.
From a legal perspective, what is the concept of a ‘mature minor’ and when does it apply? Do parents need to give their consent for the administration of medical procedures in schools? And what if a child is administered a medical procedure WITHOUT parental consent?
Human rights lawyer, truth advocate and spiritual coach Peter Fam explores these pertinent issues – and more – with PWQ founder Adam Gibson.
0:41 – Peter Fam explains why, as a lawyer, he was willing to make sacrifices in order to maintain his values of truth and integrity
3:20 – Peter presents a slide presentation on whether children can consent to medical procedures (includes case studies, what the law in Australia says and what parents can do)
6:39 – Case study of a 12-year boy with severe autism who was vaccinated at his regional NSW without his mother’s consent
9.45 – Express consent is a requirement for any medical intervention (there are exceptional circumstances). Eighteen years old is when people in Australia can make medical decisions for themselves
12:25 –NSW and SA are the only States in Australia that have laws about whether children can consent to medical procedures or not – and what happens when there is a conflict between parents and children
19:11 – is a medical treatment a vaccination?
21:30 – The Common Law (what is a “mature minor” and two important case studies 1: the “Gillick Competency” 2) Marion’s case)
36:51 – Parents’ right to legal recourse, and what happens if a child has a medical procedure without parental consent
39:23 – How can parents avoid getting into this situation in the first place? How to communicate with schools and forge an obligation in contract.
42:47 – Lack of long-term or rigorous studies around impact of vaccines on 5 to 11-year-old kids
49:11 – Q&A – a mixed bag of questions (what if the parents disagree, Public Health Orders, mask mandates, the Privacy Act, human rights law)
1:12:56 – Where people can contact Peter
1:17:30 – Legal challenge to the TGA (provisional approval should not have been given to the vaccination rollout for 5 to 11-year-olds) and efforts to bring an injunction to stop the rollout
A template letter which, if applicable to your situation, you might choose to send to your child’s school. Please pay careful attention to the disclaimer on this letter
Letter To School – Template Letter – No Consent for COVID Vaccination
A memo which gives a detailed historical and legal background on the concept of “informed consent” in Australia
Memorandum Of Informed Consent
A letter we sent to the Ministers for Education in Australia which explains the law of consent in relation to children.
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